Sunday, May 13, 2018

Kingsman: The Golden Circle

For the newest film I went to see in the cinema when it came out was Kingsman: The Golden Circle

First off we have the story which has Eggsy and Merlin having to get the help from their American counterparts Statesmen to take down a new threat. I thought the story was good for the most part although their were a few parts that lacked such as Colin Firth returning as Harry and that Statesmen could have been more included such as Agent Tequila.

Next we have the characters which like the last film  were great with Eggsy and Merlin standing out with their excellent acting and likable characters. Onto the Statesmen side of things with Pedro Pascal and Halle Berry standing out. Jeff Bridges and Channing Tatum could have had bigger roles in the plot. Finally there was the villain Poppy played by Julianne Moore who was having a great time during the film.

Now we have the action which just like the last film continued on using the same style that film used with the camera following the action even though shaky cam was used the action still was thrilling and was able to show off what was going on especially the stunts. As for
the visuals I thought the film was shot well and the location footage that was used added to the films locations especially Poppy's base which has a mix of 50's American diner motif''s. 
Moving onto the tone of the film which kept the same classy style of spy film the previous one had but still had crazy and out there moments which at time were jarring unlike the last film which didn't.I thought the soundtrack of the film was ok and it fit the film however none of the tracks stood out to me.

Overall I thought this film was ok, there were parts I liked and disliked and looking at the film to the last one it is clear that they want a franchise out of it which may not be a good thing. and with that I prefer the first film to this one.

I give Kingsman: The Golden Circle a score of 6/10

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