Saturday, May 12, 2018


I decided to watch Sicario

First off, we have the story which has an FBI agent enlisted into a group to take down a Mexican drug cartel leader. I thought the story was very compelling and layered with the situation the characters are put in and how it should be dealt with.

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were very compelling especially Emily Blunt's Kate and Bernicio Del Toro's Alejandro because of how their characters are portrayed and their motives and what they will do to accomplish their goals and the acting really accomplishes that..

Now we have the action which when used was entertaining and thrilling as the group fought against the cartel members. As for the visuals I thought the film had a great look to it which was because of the cinematography by Roger Deakins who's work I have liked in the past as well as the direction by Dennis Villeneuve who has worked with Deakins before and have liked another of his films they have worked on being Blade Runner 2049. This is done with the lighting and choice of camera shots which adds to the setting of the film which is a dangerous place for people. Moving onto the tone of the film which did well at building up the tension and suspense of certain scenes throughout. I thought the soundtrack of the film added to the film with the use of some of it's slower tracks when needed.

Overall, I thought this film was another great one by Dennis Villeneuve with an interesting story, great characters with contrasting personalities and a tone that gives it a darker feeling.

I give Sicario a score of 9/10

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