Saturday, May 12, 2018

Moon 44

As my next review we have one on Moon 44

First off, we have the story which has an undercover agent going to a mining colony to discover what is really happening. I thought the story was very dull and boring and was glad to see it finish

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were very boring or cliche and the acting didn't help with that as felt no one couldn't be bothered to give a decent performance. 

Now we have the action which I thought didn't have that much tension which meant I didn't care about anyone in the action sequences. As for the visuals I thought the film looked very dull and looked like it ripped off other science fiction film which in terms of inspiration is fine but when the setting and certain scenes look like more popular sci-fi films it comes off as unoriginal. Moving onto the tone of the film which I found to be again fairly generic for a science fiction movie with nothing interesting to make it stand out. I thought some of the soundtrack again sounded like some tracks off more popular sci-fi films. The rest of it came across as generic and tracks you would here from any other film like this.

Overall, I thought this film was just awful with nothing redeemable about it and is one of the worst films I have seen.

I give Moon 44 a score of 1/10

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