Saturday, May 12, 2018

Gangster Squad

The next film I decided to watch was Gangster Squad

First off, we have the story which has a group of cops lead by John O'Mara who plan to take down gangster Mickey Cohen in Los Angeles 1949. I thought the story was ok but I felt it could have been shorter than it was 

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were a mixed bag with actors like Josh Brolin and Ryan Gosling giving ok performances. When it came to Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone's characters I found their chemistry to be forced and generic for this kind of movie. Sean Penn was a very over the top villain but for what he was working with he felt necessary to be over the top. 

Now we have the action which I found fitting of the time and how things may have been carried out i found a few of the sequences to be fun and thrilling and added to the consequences of the job. As for the visuals I thought the film looked good in terms of how the time period would have looked and some of the action was shot well. Moving onto the tone of the film which I thought did well at capturing what it would have been like to live in that time but it did take it self a bit too seriously at points throughout. I thought the soundtrack of the film was ok and it had tracks that fit the time period of the film.

Overall, I thought this film was just about average to be honest with a fairly entertaining story with some decent action spread throughout but the tone and characters bring it down for me.

I give Gangster Squad a score of 5/10

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