Sunday, May 13, 2018


For the next film we have Avatar

First off, we have the story which has a paraplegic marine who is sent on a mission on the planet Pandora becomes torn between fulfilling his mission or protect the alien civilisation living on the planet. I thought the story was alright at best but the length could have been shorter.

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were very interesting with Jake being the standout as over the course of the film as he becomes more integrated with the planet's people his viewpoint changes and decides to help them. then you have the obvious army villains who want the planets substance for themselves.   

Now we have the action, which when it came about in the second half of the film i thought it was okay at best from the army past but I found the Na'vi's way of fighting to be interesting and different. As for the visuals, I thought the film looked really impressive for the time and fairly unique to other sci-fi films with the design of the world and all the inhabitants of the planet of Pandora, especially the wildlife. Moving onto the tone of the film, which I enjoyed the fun and entertaining moments but it used the serious message they had to a interesting effect. I thought the soundtrack of the film was epic in scale and fit the film's world especially jungle and tribal styled music.

Overall, I thought this film was an enjoyable one with an interesting story with some good characters that carried it very well but i wouldn't rush to see it again.

I give Avatar a score of 7/10

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