Saturday, May 12, 2018

Tomorrow Never Dies

I decided to watch Tomorrow Never Dies

First off, we have the story which has Bond take on Elliot Carver a media tycoon who plans to start World War 3. I thought the story was very entertaining with Bond facing off against Carver and throughout the film I was never bored and hooked to the film.

Next, we have the characters which overall I thought were very good with Pierce Brosnan putting in another standout performance as Bond. Jonathan Pryce as Elliot Carver was a compelling and entertaining villain with his media based background makes him a villain who would even work in today's time.

Now we have the action which was entertaining with the many set-pieces such as the car chase with Bond's remote controlled BMW round a car park and the helicopter chase while Bond and Wai Lin are on a bike. As for the visuals I thought the movie looked very good throughout with it's location footage and as well as it's action scenes. Moving onto the tone of the movie which captured the right one a Bond film should have with it's action and entertaining story. I thought the soundtrack of the movie was very good and fit it very well with a variety of tracks. The theme for the movie done by Sheryl Crow is one of the better themes for the Bond films.

Overall, I thought this film was another outstanding Bond film with a compelling story, great characters and entertaining action which makes it one of Pierce Brosnan's best Bond movies.

I give Tomorrow Never Dies a score of 8/10

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