Thursday, May 31, 2018

Midnight In Paris

For the final film of the month we have Midnight In Paris

First off, we have the story which focuses on a writer while on a trip to Paris with his fiance and her family ends up going back in time every midnight. I thought the story was very entertaining and had some nice moments throughout.

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought the main character of Gil was very compelling and interesting and the acting by Owen Wilson really brought the character to life and he stuck to his thoughts on Paris and the journey he goes through was good for him and his book. The rest of the acting was fairly decent.As for the film's visuals I thought the film looked amazing and the setting of the Paris both in the present and the past with the location footage of the city during both time periods really showed off how nice the city looks. This is also helped by the cinematography which contrasts between day and night and past present. Moving onto the tone of the film which I found to be upbeat and fantastical which added to the films aesthetic. I thought the soundtrack of the film was very upbeat and very fitting of the city of Paris and the time Gil keeps going to. 

Overall, I thought this film was fantastic and one of those films you find that a different from others and you love and this is one film I will go back to in the future.

I give Midnight In Paris a score of 9/10

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Master And Commander: The Far Side Of The World

For the penultimate film of the month we have Master And Commander: The Far Side Of The World

First off, we have the story which focuses on a Navy who pushes his crew and ship on the hunt for a French vessel and capture it. I thought the story was very entertaining and I was hooked throughout. 

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were very compelling and the acting throughout was consistently good. The chemistry between Russel Crowe's Jack Avery and his entire crew was shown off well as they fought on the high seas.

Now we have the action which I thought was very entertaining and thrilling. The ship warfare was interesting especially in the harsh weather that the HMS Surprise comes across while chasing the Acheron. As for the film's visuals I thought it was shot excellently with the cinematography adding the epic nature of the film getting in close when something action packed happened. Moving onto the tone of the film which I thought nailed the epic scale of the film very well for the year this came out. I thought the soundtrack of the film was very good with tracks ranging from adventurous to emotional tracks which fit the film.

Overall, I thought this film was was a surprising one with how entertaining it turned out with a fun story, compelling characters along with thrilling action that adds up to it being an epic film.

I give Master And Commander: The Far Side Of The World a score of 8/10

Thursday, May 24, 2018


For the next film of the month we have Lucy

First off, we have the story which has a woman who is turned into a merciless warrior after she takes a special drug. I thought the story was entertaining and there were some fun moments but that's all there was to be honest.

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought for the most part were well acted with the main standout being Scarlett Johansson as Lucy as she showed off both sides of her character before and after taking the drug, although by the end you couldn't really care for her because of how overpowered and undercharged she was.

Now we have the action which was entertaining as well as fluid and you could tell what was going on throughout each sequence. As for the film's visuals I thought some of them were very cool looking especially showing the effects of Lucy controlling the power she has. The film was also edited very well ans flowed from one scene to the next with good pace. Moving onto the tone of the film which I found very consistent throughout and manged the action and story well. I thought the soundtrack of the film wasn't that great and none of the tracks stood out.

Overall, I thought this film was fun and entertaining and as an action film it has it's merits although the concept is far from the truth that it tries to bring across although I may watch this again. 

I give Lucy a score of 6/10

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Lost In Translation

For the next film of the month we have Lost In Translation

First off, we have the story which shows the bond between a failed movie star and a neglected woman in the city of Tokyo. I thought the story was very entertaining but also relate-able for a lot of people who could find themselves in this type of situation.

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were very likeable and the acting by Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson really showed off how lost the characters were and when they start to hang out you can see the chemistry carry the film to the next level.

As for the film's visuals I thought the location footage of Tokyo was outstanding and showed off the city really well and made you want to there and experience the culture like the characters do. The cinematography in general looked really good with some standout shots that show off so much without dialogue in them. Moving onto the tone of the film which i enjoyed how it balanced the comedic aspects as well the serious and underlying themes throughout the film which gave the film a unique feel. I thought the soundtrack of the film was fun and i liked the different genres of music used for both sets of countries to show the cross of cultures.

Overall, I thought this film was a very entertaining one that had some nice moments spread throughout along with some excellent acting that brought the two characters to life and again this is one film I would watch again.

I give Lost In Translation a score of 9/10

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Little Miss Sunshine

For the next film of the month we have Little Miss Sunshine

First off, we have the story which has a family taking their old van on a cross country trip for their daughter to enter the finals of a beauty pageant. I thought the story was very entertaining and it had some hitting moments that brought the whole film together

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were very compelling and even they all fractured because of various reasons them wanting to help their daughter Olive was genuine and the chemistry showed when something bad would happen and the acting shone through throughout.

As for the film's visuals I thought it looked really good with some bright and standout cinematography that went on throughout the film and fit it very well with what was going on throughout. Moving onto the tone of the film which I really enjoyed both the serious moments that happened to most of the characters as well as the family oriented moments that bring the characters together. I thought the soundtrack of the film was interesting as it had tracks that hit the different emotional parts of the film which worked very well.

Overall, I thought this film was a surprising one but one i thoroughly enjoyed and this is the type of film that I enjoy and for the most part I was pleasently suprised and would watch it again.

I give Little Miss Sunshine a score of 9/10

Sunday, May 20, 2018


For the next film of the month we have Limitless

First off, we have the story which has Eddie a writer who one day takes a pill that makes him able access 100% of his brain which drastically changes his life until some dangerous people start coming after him. I thought the story was very entertaining and I was hooked throughout.

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were compelling to watch with the main character Eddie standing out with Bradley Cooper giving a convincing performance showing both sides of his character before and after he takes the pills and the repercussions he goes through.

Now we have the action which I thought was very entertaining and thrilling and I wanted to see what would happen next as I cared for the main character. As for the film's visuals I thought they were very creative and different from other films I have seen, especially after Eddie takes the pill which brightens up his life compared to the drab looking world when he wasn't on it. Moving onto the tone of the film which I enjoyed  and when the action kicked in it made the film even better. I thought the soundtrack of the film was good with different tracks that fit the film from the action tracks to when Eddie is on the pills.

Overall, I thought this film was entertaining with a cool concept and compelling character that carried the film and you wanted to see what would happen to him in the end and I would go back and watch this film.

I give Limitless a score of 7/10

Friday, May 18, 2018

Jonah Hex

For the next film for this month we have Jonah Hex

First off, we have the story which has Jonah Hex having who is appointed the job of finding the terrorist Quentin Turnbull who was also responsible for killing his family and leaving him for dead. I thought the story wasn't that enjoyable to be honest and felt an age getting through it.

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were very mixed with Josh Brolin as Jonah Hex, I felt fit the part and gave it a good go especially with the story he was given to work with and for that reason stood out from the rest who ranked from passable to bad. 

Now we have the action which was very generic and uninteresting and for most of the sequences wasn't shot that great with many cuts involved which took away from the enjoyment. As for the visuals I thought the film didn't really shine in that department and just also felt generic and lackluster with nothing standing out that much. Moving onto the tone of the film which although very over the top did keep some of the western aspects of it  which was somewhat enjoyable. I thought the soundtrack of the film was passable and it worked in some scenes throughout the film. 

Overall, I thought this film was a poor one with questionable choices on certain aspects with the only thing standing out was Brolin's performance as Hex. 

I give Jonah Hex a score of 4/10

Thursday, May 17, 2018


For the next film of the month we have Gravity

First off, we have the story which focuses on two astronauts who are stranded in space after their shuttle is destroyed and they attempt to return home. I thought the story was very entertaining and kept me on the edge of my seat the whole way through. 

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were acted very well and the chemistry between the characters were shown off well. Sandra Bullock as Ryan Stone was outstanding having to work mostly on her own and you cared because of the development they gave her.

As for the visuals I thought the film looked fantastic and the way the camera was used throughout to work with the gravity and the direction of the entire movie was sweeping and the effects were done well. Some of the first person shots while the astronauts were outside and you could only see what they were seeing added to the tension of those scenes. Moving onto the tone of the film which was very suspenseful and you didn't know what would happen next added to the thrill of the film. I thought the soundtrack of the film when used added to the suspense of the film. 

Overall, I thought this film was a very thrilling film with tense moments that do stand out and you worry for the characters and this was backed off by a simple and effective story with terrific acting and effects to pull it all together.

I give Gravity a score of 8/10

Sunday, May 13, 2018


For the newest film of the month we have Clerks

First off, we have the story which tells the tale of one convenience store and one video store clerk and the antics they get up to. I thought the story was very entertaining as well as funny and I was kept entertained throughout.

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were very funny and well acted and you wanted to see what kind of interactions the clerks would have with the customers. The main standout being Brian O'Halloran as Dante.

As for the visuals I thought the film's black and white look added to the film's setting and situations. Moving onto the tone of the film which I enjoyed the comedy of the film with all the interactions between the clerks and all the customers they meet. I thought the soundtrack of the film when used throughout was fitting of the time period and the tracks fit the film well.

Overall, I thought this film was a very enjoyable with a fun story and characters that brought it forward and kept it entertaining. 

I give Clerks a score of 8/10

Avengers: Infinity War

For the newest film I went to see in the cinema was Avengers: Infinity War.

First off, we have the story which is about the Avengers and The Guardians Of The Galaxy having to team up to stop the threat of Thanos as he goes around collecting the Infinity Stones. I thought the story was very entertaining with some shocking moments that suited the danger of the film.

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought all of them were fantastic with superb acting behind each and every one of them. The chemistry between all the different groups as well as the humour were matched excellently with each group getting fair attention across the film. Now the villain Thanos who is, finally a villain you can look back on and fear because of his actions.

Now we have the action which was a sight to behold with each action scene had at least one cool sequence and the way the heroes worked together in those sequences showed their teamwork with one another. As for the visuals, I thought the film looked great, especially in 3D which added to the look of them. The cinematography was at top notch with the different camera work from the wide location shots and even to the dialogue scenes. Moving onto the tone of the film which I thought balanced well between the humour and the dark and shocking moments and after the film ended I had just wondered what I had just seen. I thought the soundtrack of the film was usual very Marvel-esque with tracks that very sweeping in the hopeful but when the action got down it was on edge.

Overall, I thought this film was fantastic and after 10 years of Marvel movies building up Thanos and the Infinity Stones everything came together and produced another great film in the franchise.

I give Avengers: Infinity War a score of 9/10

Lady Bird

For the newest film I went to see in the cinema when it came out was Lady Bird, a film I had been looking forward to seeing.

First off, we have the story which is about the coming of age of a young woman in 2002 Sacramento, California. I thought the story was very different from stories I have seen recently and i thoroughly enjoyed it and found it compelling.

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were very interesting and the acting really stood out above all else. The main character of Lady Bird was the standout character her trying to find her way life. I also felt that Laurie Metcalf was a surprisingly good character as Lady Bird's mother and their chemistry was very important to the film. 

As for the visuals, I thought the film looked really good with the thing that stood out in terms of the cinematography was the shot choices and their are some gorgeous looking ones throughout which were helped by the lighting also.. The setting of the film also helped it a lot and was expanded on throughout and you felt the location felt like a community. Moving onto the tone of the film which I really liked as it was made to feel as real as possible in every moment of the film and you could easily see most of the moments happening to someone at some-point in their life. I thought the soundtrack of the film was very different because of it being a unique film to the other ones around but also feels it would fit the main character really well.

Overall, I thought this film was fantastic film which standouts to recent films I have seen recently and has become one of my favourites and I am looking forward to viewing it again.

I give Lady Bird a score of 10/10

Black Panther

For the newest film I went to see in the cinema when it came out was Black Panther 

First off, we have the story which has new king T'Challa having to protect his kingdom from arms dealer Ulysses Klaue and Eric Killmonger. I thought the story was very entertaining with the old way vs the new way of thinking for a rising country being brought up and the beliefs behind the characters add to it as well.

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were compelling with strong motivations behind them which made them more interesting with the obvious standouts being T'Challa and Killmonger who have ideals and motivations they want to pursue for their country.

Now we have the action which was very entertaining and thrilling with the standouts being the trials by combat when Black Panther pits himself against a member of a tribe who would wish to take the throne as well as the fights with Killmonger. As for the visuals I thought the film looked stunning showing off the country of Wakanda a technological advanced city with how it is used as well as the potential with their precious metal - Vibranium. The action sequences were also shot well showing off the fighting styles of the warriors of Wakanda and how they fight on screen, particularly Black Panther himself. Moving onto the tone of the film which I thought was balanced well between the bits of comedy as well as the drama that unfolded. I also thought the world and characters suited the tone nicely. I thought the soundtrack of the film was amazing with the use of varied African tracks as well as famous tracks from black artists.

Overall, I thought this film was another standout movie and proves Black Panther is another fine addition to the roster of the Avengers and looking forward to seeing him in Infinity War.

I give Black Panther a score of 8/10

Justice League

For the newest film I went to see in the cinema when it came out was Justice League

First off we have the story which Bruce Wayne having to assemble a team to combat the threat of Steppenwolf. I thought the story was enjoyable but the second half was better than the first half however each member had there own moment to shine. . 

Next we have the characters which were mixed for me, I thought Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne was the standout as well as Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman. Newcomers Ezra Miler as The Flash was fun, Jason Momoa as Aquaman was bad-ass however Ray Fisher as Cyborg took a while to get into the movie. Additionally the villain Steppenwolf was lackluster.

Now we have the action which was thrilling with all the different ways the heroes fought the villains especially the Flash showing of his speed which is a nice change to the TV show version since this had a bigger budget. As for the visuals I thought the film looked good especially the action scenes. The CGI was okay with Cyborg standing out a fair bit in comparison to everything else. Moving onto the tone of the film which had a mix of Zack Snyder's work as well as Joss Whedon who was brought in to help. Finally the soundtrack was mixed with tracks that both did and did not work. There was also the inclusion of the Batman theme in one scene was cool.  

I give Justice League a score of 5/10

The Lego Ninjago Movie

For the newest film I went to go and see in the cinema when it came out was The Lego Ninjago Movie

First off we have the story which focuses on Lloyd Garmadon the green ninja as he has to deal with his super villain father Lord Garmadon as a new threat appears to his homeland of Ninjago. I thought the story was very fun and easy to get into and the overall story was nice and touching for the characters in question and when the action was needed it was all out action.

Next we have the characters which I thought were funny and very likeable although I would have liked some of the other ninjas to step into the limelight a bit more as some got pushed into the background.

Now we have the action which was very entertaining with the use of the mech suits at the beginning of the film moving onto other set-pieces involving the elemental abilities and Meowthra. As for the visuals I thought the film looked fantastic with the world of Ninjago brought to life on the big screen and updated from the original series. The camerawork and effects were also standout in terms of the setting. Moving onto the tone of the film which captures the fun and entertaining world of the Lego franchise while also having a deeper meaning to the main story and characters. Finally the soundtrack of this film added to the overall feel of the film with some entertaining tracks.

Overall I thought this film was great and for me, another hit entry into the Lego franchise.

I give The Lego Ninjago Movie a score of 8/10

Thor: Ragnarok

For the newest film I went to see in the cinema when it came out was Thor: Ragnarok

First off we have the story which has Thor having to deal with a new threat Hela and the impending Ragnarok which will destroy all of Asgard but in order to do that he must gather a team and escape the planet Sakaar. I thought the story was great from start to finish and I was never bored at one part.

Next we have the characters which overall I thought were acted really well and the performances that stood out were Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Mark Ruffalo as Hulk/Bruce Banner and Cate Blanchett as Hela.

Now we have the action which was tense and entertaining especially the Thor vs Hulk battle which was my favourite fight in this film and the final battle on the Bifrost Bridge. As for the visuals I thought the film looked amazing with the colour choices and settings looked great. The action was shot really well and added to the action nicely to show off every fight. Moving onto the tone of the movie was as what you would expect of Marvel movie it was good. I thought the soundtrack of the film was a very interesting choice for the film which worked and had some very catchy tracks that really added to the film.

Overall I thought this film was really fun and entertaining film and as a new direction for the Thor movies it was a good and needed turn after the previous film and the other Marvel movies.

I give Thor: Ragnarok a score of 8/10

Blade Runner 2049

For the newest film I went to see in the cinema when it came out was Blade Runner 2049 which is a film I was looking forward to.

First off we have the story which follows K a replicant Blade Runner who finds a long dead replicant who had a child and is tasked with locating it to prevent a war. I thought the story was very entertaining with the way it draws you into the world and how compelling and detailed everything is.

Next we have the characters which overall I thought were excellent with new blade runner, K played by Ryan Gosling who gives a convincing performance as the story unfolds and he finds out more his character grows. Returning Harrison Ford as Deckard made a great impression as soon as he came on screen showing what happened since the last film.

Now we have the action which was thoroughly entertaining and thrilling with the stunts and camerawork adding to them. The standout action scene for me was the final fight as the compactness and the claustrophobic nature of the action scene was done and felt intense. As for the visuals I thought the film was stunning and managed to capture the essence of Blade Runner but managing to put a new and updated twist as a lot has happened between the two films. Moving onto the tone of the movie which was does well at capturing the bleak tone of the original Blade Runner as well as making it slightly darker which in my opinion which was a nice change. I thought the soundtrack of the film was just as good as the previous films one but at times it get a bit loud at times but it didn't bring the overall soundtrack and at times you could hear bits of the music like it was lifted from the original.

Overall I thought this film was amazing and as a sequel to one of the most popular movies of all time it is a deserving one managing to capture the feel as well as updating the world it becomes a must watch film.

I give Blade Runner 2049 a score of 9/10

Update - 21/07/19 - 10/10

Kingsman: The Golden Circle

For the newest film I went to see in the cinema when it came out was Kingsman: The Golden Circle

First off we have the story which has Eggsy and Merlin having to get the help from their American counterparts Statesmen to take down a new threat. I thought the story was good for the most part although their were a few parts that lacked such as Colin Firth returning as Harry and that Statesmen could have been more included such as Agent Tequila.

Next we have the characters which like the last film  were great with Eggsy and Merlin standing out with their excellent acting and likable characters. Onto the Statesmen side of things with Pedro Pascal and Halle Berry standing out. Jeff Bridges and Channing Tatum could have had bigger roles in the plot. Finally there was the villain Poppy played by Julianne Moore who was having a great time during the film.

Now we have the action which just like the last film continued on using the same style that film used with the camera following the action even though shaky cam was used the action still was thrilling and was able to show off what was going on especially the stunts. As for
the visuals I thought the film was shot well and the location footage that was used added to the films locations especially Poppy's base which has a mix of 50's American diner motif''s. 
Moving onto the tone of the film which kept the same classy style of spy film the previous one had but still had crazy and out there moments which at time were jarring unlike the last film which didn't.I thought the soundtrack of the film was ok and it fit the film however none of the tracks stood out to me.

Overall I thought this film was ok, there were parts I liked and disliked and looking at the film to the last one it is clear that they want a franchise out of it which may not be a good thing. and with that I prefer the first film to this one.

I give Kingsman: The Golden Circle a score of 6/10

Transformers: The Last Knight

For the newest film I went to go when it came out in the cinema was Transformers: The Last Knight

First off we have the story which has Cade again being involved with the Transformers again to find out why they continue to come to Earth as well as Optimus who has found his creator and now wants to rebuild his home. I thought the story was alright for the most part with a god start and ending however the middle part of he story did have some flaws and some cutaways to people who didn't add anything to the film

Next we have the characters which overall I thought Cade was better in this film than the last film however the main female lead Viviane was annoying in parts of the movie. I also thought Isabela was another good character who should have had more screen time and her potential wasn't fulfilled. Finally Edmund Burton was ok in places even though he was just there to be a exposition dump character. Most of the comedy throughout didn't add to the film, it wasn't funny and took away from certain important scenes.

Now we have the action which I thought was ok, The action in  the middle and end of the movie was enjoyable although some scenes were rittled with shaky cam which was annoying in places. As for the visuals I thought the film looked good for the most part besides the shaky cam during the action. The locations in the film looked really good and the visuals showed them off well. Moving onto the tone of the movie which made it feel like a Transformers film should be, which was a little repetitive and could have done with a change to shake things up. I thought the soundtrack of the film was lackluster and added nothing to the film. 

Overall I thought this film was ok, it was far from being the worst of the Transformers movies as well as being a good movie in general. However I thought it was tolerable and would watch it again at some-point.

I give Transformers: The Last Knight a score of 6/10

Alien: Covenant

This is my review for Alien: Covenant which had managed to see in the cinema when it came out.

First off we have the story which overall I found very entertaining to watch although slightly predictable in places. The pacing of the film was done very well as the slow build up for the first act of the film was ramped up after the first infection. 

Next we have the characters which overall I thought were ok. Michael Fassbender as David/Walter was acted superbly and the way he played the two different characters was interesting to see. The other character that stood out was Daniels played by Katherine Waterston who did really well at her job and kept herself together after the shit hit the fan. 

Now we have the action which was done really well, the gore throughout the film looked good and made me look away a few times which is a first. The action was directed really well to show the terror that is unfolding. As for the visuals I thought they were stunning. The landscape shots to the action looked really good and there are some of the shots that stood out really well. Moving onto the tone of the movie which was used really well as the slow tension built up and built up , then when the first infection happened the tone shifted to the horror aspects and the tone was used well. I thought the soundtrack of the film was used well in the scenes that needed them, from the slow build up of the plot onto the action scenes

Overall I thought this film was very enjoyable. Going into it I didn't know which way the film was going to go for me but i'm glad I wen and saw t and would do again.

I give Alien: Covenant a score of 8/10

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

This is my review for one of the films I managed to see in the cinemas was Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 which I had been looking forward to.

First off we have the story which overall I found very compelling and interesting. The way the story progresses and some of the twists were good and I was hooked throughout

Next we have the characters which overall I thought were also amazing. The Guardians were better in this film and they each managed to have good moments throughout. Yondu, one of the Ravagers really surprised me through his development and actions. The villain in the movie was an interesting one and interesting to watch.

Now we have the action which was also great to watch and kept me watching, the final battle towards the end of the film was the standout for me. As for the visuals I thought they were amazing in this, the camerawork in the movie really showed off the world and when the action came along it helped then. Onto the effects and colours used which made the film look amazing, Each place they went had a distinct colour palette which brought out the uniqueness of each location. Moving onto the tone of the movie which was fun and enjoyable, just like the previous film It had it's fun moments but when needed there was a serious or mellow tone brought in which added to the film well. I thought the soundtrack of the film was amazing and just like the last film had classic tracks that worked really well but added to the tone of the film, there were tracks for the fun moments and serious moments and whenever one came up the scenes worked well with them.

Overall I thought this film was amazing and for a sequel to the previous Guardians films which was one of my favourites of the MCU it met my expectations and is a deserved sequel to the original

I give Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 a score of 8/10

The Fate of the Furious

One of the films I saw when it came out was The Fate of the Furious, a film I was looking forward to at the time.

First off we have the story which overall I thought was a thrill ride. The story was great and felt like a thrill ride however there were parts that did feel predictable but it didn't stop my enjoyment

Next we have the characters which overall I thought just like all the previous films are great with some of them such as Dom and some of the other members come into the forefront such as Hobbs and Deckard. The villain of the film Cipher played by Charlize Theron was a formidable foe for the team to face.

Now we have the action throughout the movie which just like the previous Fast and Furious movies are fast paced, action packed and with the recent movies the action stunts are done really well with the outstanding one being the last action scene involving the submarine because of it's twists and turns. Moving onto the tone of the movie which I thought was done very well and captured what a Fast and Furious movie should be fast paced and action heavy with great characters, the action scenes involving the cars were a blast and different every film in terms of the big set piece. As for the visuals they were done really well, some of the camera work throughout the film really added to the move's scenes. The soundtrack of the film was great and fit the films pace and tone 

Overall I thought this film was amazing and as a successor to previous films it deserves it's title.

I give The Fate of the Furious a score of 9/10

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

One of the films I managed to see when it came out was Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

First off we have the story which overall I thought was good but when t hit the half way point the story picked up and became amazing.

Next we have the characters which overall I thought were great. The main character Jyn Erso was the standout, however I was surprised by how good the character played by Donnie Yen was. I was surprised when Darth Vader was in the movie for a small part. 

Moving on to the action throughout the film which I thought was amazing, the standout action scene is the battle of the planet Scarif especially the space battles. The tone of the movie was done well and felt like it would fit the Star Wars movies. As for the visuals they were amazing as well. I thought the camera work throughout was standout. The visuals for the planets were good as well. I really liked the planet Scarif's design.The soundtrack of the film was good, it had familiar sounding tracks but different ones as well it and defiantly worked as a Star Wars movie soundtrack.

Overall I thought this film was a great thrill ride and was glued to the screen throughout. 

I give Rogue One: A Star Wars Story a 8/10