Friday, May 11, 2018


I decided to watch Ghostbusters

First off we have the story which overall I thought was interesting to watch as I have heard for a while how good the movie is and that is I should watch it. To my expectations for the story it met my expectations fully. 

Next we have the characters which overall I thought were fun and enjoyable, the different personality's of the four main characters worked off each other well during the movie.

Now we have the action throughout involving the ghost fights and them capturing the ghosts which were interesting because of the different ghosts throughout the move. The final fight in this movie was pulled off interestingly to say the least.The tone of the movie was fun and made the film very enjoyable, I enjoyed the comedic tone and the jokes used were funny which is good for a comedy film of course. As for the visuals they were good and fit the film well, The camerawork for this movie was good for the action scenes involving all of the ghosts. The special effects for the ghosts were good for the time the movie came out even when watching the movie I liked the look of them. The soundtrack of the film was fitting for the movie and the tracks used were great, the one obvious track that stands out is the Ghostbusters theme which is a great piece of music.

Overall I thought this film was fun and entertaining and shows what a comedy film should be like and agree why this movie is praised so much.

I give Ghostbusters a score of 8/10

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