Friday, May 11, 2018

Kill Bill: Volume 1

I decided to watch Kill Bill: Volume 1, the next film brought out by Quinton Tarantino after Jackie Brown.

First off we have the story which overall I thought was very interesting and was intrigued of The Bride's story and everything that had happened to her and her story of revenge.

Next we have the characters which overall I thought were interesting with The Bride being an obvious standout wit her fight against the assassination squad and Bill. The other members of the assassination squad that were shown were good opponents for The Bride. 

Now we have the action throughout which just like a Tarantino movie is very violent and bloody. Out of all the Tarantino films I've seen I believe this is the most violent. The fighting is well directed and paced very well. it keeps you invested and makes you wonder what will happen. The tone of the movie was an interesting take on spaghetti western film by having influences from these types of films but changing them to fit an American style. As for the visuals they were also recognizable of a Tarantino movie using recognizable shots for example, the usage of black and white during the action sequence especially The Bride's fight against the yakuza members. Another recognizable feature of his movies is the use of the God's Eye POV shot which is used to follow The Bride's revenge journey. One amazing sequence of visuals is during the story of one of the Bride's targets: O-Ren Ishii, this part goes full animation but still having the bloody violence as if it was still live action. The soundtrack of the film was used to ft the tone of being a spaghetti western film by having certain tracks that makes it feel like you are in a classic spaghetti western set in the desert with cowboys. The other tracks used in the film are catchy and fitting of Tarantino's style. 

Overall I thought this film was great, the bloody violence was hard to watch at certain points but was still amazing to see. As the first part of two movies it was a great starting point and I am excited for Volume 2. 

I give Kill Bill: Volume 1 a score of 8/10

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