Friday, May 11, 2018


The first film on this blog will be Watchmen. This was my first experience with Watchmen as I hadn't read the comic book the film was based off so I can't compare the two. 

First off we have the story for the whole which overall I really enjoyed for the most part with some good characters holding the film up and gave good performances.

Next we have the characters I felt most of them were really good the stand out one being Rorschach, one of the masked vigilantes who fights crime outside of the law. His personality really stood out for me throughout the film and how he would handle crime in violent fashions. However one character that didn't work for me was Adrian Veidt who turned out to be the villain of the movie and his plan for the world really work for me. 

Moving on to the action throughout the film which I felt was really well done and paced out well although there was the real overuse of slow motion in some action scenes in the movie. There was also the use of different take downs the characters would be doing for example Rorschach using a can of spray and making a fire as a makeshift flamethrower. Onto the visuals and soundtrack of the film which again was done really well, I felt the visuals fit the style and tone of the movie and that the soundtrack to the film complemented it really well.

Overall I really enjoyed this film and would centennially watch it again. 

I give Watchmen a score of 8/10

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