Friday, May 11, 2018


Now for this week's film I have decided to watch Alien. Now I wouldn't have watched this film months ago but because of the continued ask for me to watch this movie by my friend Liam who I know will read this and this review is for you and your continued ask. This is a review of the theatrical version of the film. 

First off we have the story which overall I thought was very good. The slow start at the beginning was good as it set the tone for the film which I thought was a great way to get invested into the film. Once the action set in I was even more hooked into this film and made me wonder why I hadn't watched the film long ago.

Next we have the characters which I felt were okay. The main obvious standout for me was Ripley because for one she survived the film. Also I enjoyed her determination throughout the film in some situations even if it may have been a bad idea with the decontamination incident at the beginning of the film. The other characters were good but they weren't standout although I didn't expect to have one revealed as an android.

Moving on to the action throughout the film which I felt was very well done and suspenseful when it came to the scenes with the grown up Alien. This is because of how much of it was seen throughout the film and when it did show up it got me a few times with the few jump scares it had. Onto the visuals, tone and soundtrack of the film which I thought were outstanding and one of the big things that made the movie. The visuals and camerawork were very good at making the scenes suspenseful. The soundtrack helped with this as well especially when the Alien appears with it's jump scares. The tone was set as the movie began with it being very unsettling and I didn't know what would happen to the characters throughout the film.

Overall I really enjoyed this film it was a great horror film that kept me interested with the tone, visuals and soundtrack that was set early on in the film and can see why this film is an all time classic. Even though the majority of characters weren't standouts it wasn't enough to badly effect thee score. 

I give Alien a 10/10.

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