Friday, May 11, 2018


Now for another film this week I decided to watch Aliens. Now I was recommended to do this double bill by Liam (friend from the first Alien review) who I know will read this again as he recommended I watch the first and second Alien films together so that's what I have done. This is a review of the special edition of the film. 

First off we have the story which overall I thought was very good. The start of the film was good setup for the rest but it did introduce characters that even though they died I just didn't like them. As soon as they found the facehuggers the film just picked up it's pace and the story just got better. The ending was very good when the Alien Queen got introduced and the final scene when they killed it was great. 

Next we have the characters which overall were ok. With Ripley and Hicks standing out. Ripley for starters was just as good as when she was in the first film and I really liked the relationship with the survivor of the colony Newt. She even gets to be bad ass in the film when the Xenomorphs appear. Hicks was a great character because of his leadership when he was thrust into the role when the old leader died in an attack. 

Moving on to the action throughout the film which I felt was superb throughout the film. I enjoyed the action scenes when the marines were fighting the Xenomorphs but their were instances of horror moments when they appeared which were also excellent. As the cast was being whittled down to the ones that I cared about it definitely got worrying of which characters would survive. Onto the tone of the film which I thought were also good in this movie. The tone of this movie was more action heavy then the previous film which definitely worked but I did prefer the horror tone in the previous movie. The visuals were again really good for example with some of the scenes when it used the headset cameras when the marines were exploring the colony at the beginning. The visuals during the action scenes also kept me hooked and could not predict what would happen. The soundtrack was good however I preferred it in the first film when there was only one alien and the soundtrack came on when it appeared.

Overall I thoroughly enjoyed this film and it definitely is a worthy squeal to the first movie. However I definitely prefer the first film over the second one but not by much. 

I give Aliens a score of 9/10.

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