Friday, May 11, 2018

Batman Vs Superman: Dawn Of Justice

I decided to watch the second film of the DCEU, Batman Vs Superman: Dawn Of Justice directed by Zack Snyder.

First off we have the story which overall I thought was all over the place. It tried to be three movies in one which made the story mixed up trying to focus on all aspects that made the three movies with the fight between the two heroes to everything involving Lex and Wonder Woman.

Next we have the characters which overall I thought some good and some were poor. The good being Ben Affleck's portrayal of Bruce Wayne/Batman as an aged and more hardcore version of the character. The other character I enjoyed in the move was the portrayal of Alfred by Jeremy Irons. I believe that Henry Cavill's Superman was alright but not the best in the movie. I did like the inclusion of Wonder Woman for what we go in the movie of her. I also agree with people about the version of Lex Luthor in the movie by Jessie Eisenburg was very annoying. 

Now we have the action which I thought was good in places such as the fight between Batman and Superman. I enjoyed the ways the back and forth of the fight as Superman would get the upper hand then Batman would use his gadgets to help him and gain the upper hand. Another fight I enjoyed was the fight in the port when Batman rescues Martha. The take-downs Batman did was hardcore like his character. As for the visuals I thought some of them were really good such as some of the darker scenes involving Batman and Superman in the rain when they did fight and the fight in the port when Batman rescues Martha as he visuals and direction make the scene intense. However the visuals rest of the visuals were lackluster and generic. The tone of the movie just like the story was all over the place. It wanted to be a gritty Batman movie, a Superman movie and a mini Justice League movie. If it picked one of those then the film would have had a consistent tone.The soundtrack of the film was ok, nothing amazing. There were some descent tracks and work in a superhero movie such as this one

Overall I thought this film was honestly as I have said before a mess. It tries to do too many things at once and fails because of it. The good parts such as Batman and some of the action are good but because of it's glaring issues such as Lex it brings the movie down which is a shame. 

I give Batman Vs Superman: Dawn Of Justice a score of 5/10

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