Friday, May 11, 2018


I decided to watch Daredevil

First off we have the story which overall I found very generic for a superhero movie with nothing new to make it interesting. 

Next we have the characters which overall I thought in terms of acting were very mixed. Ben Affleck as Daredevil was ok in parts but mostly as Matt Murdoch but as Daredevil he felt like very generic hero. Other characters such as Elektra and Bullseye were bad, their portrayal of the characters were over the top or generic they were also made worse through their acting.

Now we have the action which I thought was good for this movie especially the stunt work done by the actors with the standout being the stunts involving Daredevil. As for the visuals I thought were good in terms of camerawork when it came to the action and stunts but when it came to other scenes the camerawork felt really generic and simple. When it came to the effects for how Daredevil could see with sound I found them cool and unique. Moving onto the tone of the movie which I thought was trying to hard to be a dark gritty superhero film with a lot of brooding and angst. I thought the soundtrack of the film was good but some of the tracks were hit home how dark and angsty this film was.

Overall I thought this film was trying to hard to be a dark Marvel hero movie but because of the story being generic and acting being very mixed it brings the movie down a lot which is shame because Daredevil as a hero and his world is really interesting. 

I give Daredevil a score of 3/10

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