Friday, May 11, 2018

Dragonball Evolution

I decided to watch Dragonball Evolution

First off we have the story which overall I found very generic for a revenge type of story. Also even though it has the name "Dragonball" in it. The story felt nothing like a Dragonball related story. 

Next we have the characters which overall I thought were atrocious. The portrayal of the characters were nothing even close to the ones that I remember from the anime. The characters aren't helped by the acting which again was so bad it brought me out of the film and made me not care for the characters. 

Now we have the action which I thought was uninteresting as most action scenes had generic martial arts fight and the stunts were also very generic. As for the visuals I thought were sub-par for the action scenes but he use of slow motion was absolutely pointless and wasn't needed. Moving onto the tone of the movie which for a martial arts revenge film wasn't very good as it had the same beats this type of film has but added nothing interesting besides having Dragonball related characters. I thought the soundtrack of the film was well, uninteresting, it didn't add to anything but just be generic music. 

Overall I thought this film was shit, just plain shit. It stains the Dragonball name by having no personality to the parts that even remotely resemble anything from Dragonball. The story and characters were uninteresting and badly acted. This is one movie I will never return to. 

I give Dragonball Evolution a score of 0/10

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