Friday, May 11, 2018

Jurassic Park III

I decided to watch Jurassic Park III

First off we have the story which overall I found very similar and very generic and felt the previous two films did better in story than this film.

Next we have the characters which overall I thought were very mixed. Dr. Grant who returns from the first film and new character Billy were good however the others just felt like red shirts and very disposable and also weren't very interesting or memorable.

Now we have the action which I thought was good for the dinosaur attacks. Although the effects for the dinosaurs looked better in the previous films. The scenes with the raptors were the best in my opinion. As for the visuals which I thought in terms of camerawork was alright, there wasn't any standout shots or sequences. As I mentioned before the effects for the dinosaurs looked better in the previous films. Moving onto the tone of the movie which felt just like the previous films which are a god thing being that this film is part of a franchise of films. I thought the soundtrack of the film was good in places and had some good suspenseful music throughout which added to the scenes that needed them  and as ever had the classic theme for Jurassic Park which was another standout track.

Overall I thought this film was just under average. Having used things from the previous movies but done worse as well as most of the characters being generic didn't help but with some good action and music it brought it up just a bit so it was tolerable. 

I give Jurassic Park III a score of 4/10

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