Friday, May 11, 2018


For the fifth film of the month for Cyberpunk Movie Month is eXistenZ

First off we have the story which has A game designer having to play her latest virtual reality creation with a marketing trainee to determine if the game has been damaged while being chased by assassins. I thought the story was very intriguing. The twist in this movie at the end was very interesting and when it was revealed I was very invested by it and made my enjoyment of the film even more than t was before the twist. 

Next we have the characters which overall I thought were very good especially when they got into the game and they had to follow the games rules of being their game character. I found out of the two main characters I liked Jude Law's Pikul because of his acting throughout. Now we have the action which was focused in the second to third act of the movie was really enjoyable to watch because of how this film treated it being inside a video game which was a really good part of he movie. As for the visuals I thought the film looked really good. The special effects on the weird mutated creatures looked really innovative and original which even though I'm not a fan of body horror I found these ones bearable. I thought the cinematography was a good part of he film. Moving onto the tone of the movie which in the game portions of the movie had a unsettling film because of the way the characters have predetermined actions because of the characters they portray in the game. I thought the soundtrack of the film fitted it very well and added to the films scenes. 

Overall I thought this film was very enjoyable with a good story that I was invested in, great action scenes when needed and this is one film that I will watch again

I give eXistenZ a score of 8/10

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