Friday, May 11, 2018

Moulin Rouge!

I decided to watch Moulin Rouge! 

First off we have the story which overall I couldn't get into because of the over use of the theme of love but also the story of the characters wasn't something I couldn't get into or care about because of how annoying they were. 

Next we have the characters which overall I thought in terms of acting was alright however the characters themselves were awful and I couldn't get into their mindset. As I said before I couldn't care about the story the characters went through because of how annoying they were.  

As for the visuals which I thought were very in your face at a lot of points throughout the movie also the editing didn't help either by adding to the over the top nature that the film uses throughout. One thing I do credit is there are parts where the lighting really shines and adds to the movie. Moving onto the tone of the movie which was very over the top in terms of being a musical and as I said before the theme of love it was trying to get across. The theme kept getting brought up nearly every moment in the film, yes I know the story is about love but because of how much it was brought up it became annoying. I thought the soundtrack of the film was for the most part good. The use of different genres was a good part however in terms of plot to music it was heavily focused on music having one track played then moving onto another without the plot expanding and yes I know it's a musical but the ratio should be balanced equally

Overall I thought this film was shit, I really hate this movie, the story is uninteresting, the characters are annoying and most of all the use of love in the movie was used far to much to the point it became annoying as well

I give Moulin Rouge! a score of 2/10

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