Friday, May 11, 2018

Live And Let Die

I decided to watch Live And Let Die

First off we have the story which as Bond looking into deaths of some agents which lead him to drug lord Dr. Kananga and his heroin filled island which overall I thought was fun to watch and had a different feel to the previous ones because of the content that was looked into and invoked throughout. 

Next we have the characters which overall I thought were enjoyable to watch and worked in the film well. Roger Moore in his first Bond film was an entertaining one to watch and a great watch. The villain Dr. Kananga was a great and threatening villain and his performance matched the character very well. Some of the side characters were lackluster or poorly used for comedy.

Now we have the action which I thought was done really well with some of them being really intense like the alligator farm scene. The standout action scene however was the speedboat chase, the stunt-work and  the jump itself looked great. The other action scenes throughout were shot really well and the camerawork looked good. As for the visuals I thought the landscape shots and action scenes were the best in terms of visuals. Other visuals were on point and made the film look good. Moving onto the tone of the movie which was shaken up in this film as it invoked aspects such as voodoo and fortune telling which was different and a nice feel to the film. Although it continued to have the usual action packed tone of a Bond film. I thought the soundtrack of the film also had a different feel in this film which again was a nice difference to previous films although the main theme for Live And Let Die was underwhelming for me and not one of my favourites.

Overall I thought this film was a fun film with interesting ideas that gave the film a new life and different eel to previous films but it was still a Bond film at heart and a great start to the Roger Moore era. 

I give Live And Let Die a score of 7/10

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