Friday, May 11, 2018


I decided to watch Moonraker.

First off we have the story  which ha Bond looking into the hijacking of a Moonraker shuttle designed by Drax industries only to get caught up in the plot of Hugo Drax which will take Bond in to space. I found this very enjoyable however was silly in places like the gondola on land sequence but with enjoyable parts that kept me hooked. 

Next we have the characters which overall I thought were enjoyable. Bond was on form again in this film and Dr. Goodhead was an ok side character and helper to Bond. Hugo Drax as the villain of the film was acted very well by Michael Lonsdale as a quiet villain but still having a threatening demeanour with an interesting plan that sounds good on paper.  

Now we have the action which I thought was entertaining such as the cable car sequence and all the space action sequences were exciting to watch. As for the visuals which I have said many times, in terms of location footage looked great as always especially the space visuals. The visuals for the action were good. The cable car stunt sequence was an enjoyable sequence and with the last act in space the set of the station looked amazing and the visuals were very good. The speedboat chase sequence in the Amazon was a fun sequence to watch. Finally the ending space battle was a fitting end to the film. Moving onto the tone of the movie which for me did well at working in a Bond movie with this added part of space involved in Drax's plan which was very interesting and got my attention. I thought the soundtrack of the film was alright but with no standout tracks. The theme was good but not one of my favourites.

Overall I thought this film had a lot of things that made this film very enjoyable with some good action and visuals along with a fitting tone that added a nice feel to the film with the addition of going to space. 

I give Moonraker a score of 7/10

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