Friday, May 11, 2018


I decided to watch Octopussy which is a Bond film I had been dreading to watch.

First off we have the story which has Bond following a general stealing important relics from the Soviets, he also uncovers a plot involving nuclear weapons and force disarmament of Europe. I thought the story was ok, not one of the best stories for a James Bond film. 

Next we have the characters which overall I thought Roger Moore as  Bond was still enjoyable to watch but I still prefer his past performances. The first villain Kamal Khan was a very good one being threatening and a having a presence around him, the second villain General Orlov was alright, his plan was good in this and was interesting the way he attempted to do it. Finally the man female lead of Octopussy was a nice addition to the film who helps Bond.

Now we have the action which I thought was very good, the standout was the opening action scenes with Bond in the plane although that sequence didn't factor in to the plot of the film. Also the chase sequence in India was good as well. Finally the action on the plane at the end was anther standout sequence in the film. As for the visuals, I thought the action was shot really specifically the opening scenes with bond in the plane well and as usual the location footage looked great as usual for a James Bond film. Moving onto the tone of the movie which in terms of a Bond film had the right beats however I felt this film had parts such as the circus that made thee tone bit silly and would normally not fit a James Bond movie now. I thought the soundtrack of the film wasn't one of the best sores a James Bond film has had with no standout tracks.The theme for the film is one of them that I don't like out of all the franchise's themes

Overall I thought this film wasn't for me personally, it had some things to make it good but there were aspects that lessened the enjoyment of the film for me such as the story, one of the villains ended up being lackluster and finally the tone put me off. 

I give Octopussy a score of 5/10

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