Friday, May 11, 2018

Predator 2

I have decided to watch Predator.2

First off we have the story which overall I thought was very mixed. Parts of the story were good and entertaining to watch however there were other parts which were mixed during late beginning and early middle parts of the movie.

Next we have the characters which overall I thought were a weakness of the movie with the only two being Harrigan and the Predator. All the rest of them were either mixed bags or just very forgettable ones.

Moving on to the action throughout the film which were done well when involving the Predator and made want to watch those scenes but were mixed when involving crime gangs such as the one at the beginning of the movie. The tone of the movie was done very well to fit the location the film was set. The atmosphere in scenes involving the Predator were done well to make it seem very threatening to the characters which is good for the movie. Next are the visuals which made the setting of the film feel real. As for visuals of a science fiction action film did ok to be honest not as well as the first film which used the visuals of the jungle to it's advantage. The soundtrack of the film was done very well and the music fit the tone and also the location that the film was set in. The music during the action scenes worked well to give the scenes a sense of urgency. 

Overall I thought this film was very mixed, I did find it an enjoyable watch but as a whole movie I found it very average with it's mixed story, mixed action scenes but with a good tone and soundtrack.

I give Predator 2 a score of 6/10

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